Former GOP Candidate for Governor: 'If I Had My Way We Would Be Executing Abortionists' [View all]
On today’s episode of the “Pass The Salt Live” webcast, host Dave Daubenmire interviewed Trump–loving radical right-wing activist Scott Lively, who used the opportunity to declare that abortion providers should be put to death.
“If I had my way, we would be executing abortionists after trial,” Lively said. “They are committing mass murder and if we truly had a just justice system, they would be tried and they would be executed for what they’re doing. That is how serious the problem is.”
Lively added that he wanted to “make absolutely clear” that he was not calling for vigilante justice, but rather the creation of a justice system that operates according to the dictates of biblical law whereby the testimony of two witnesses is required in order to put someone to death.