This is a long article from the Washington Post, titled "THE FUGITIVE HEIRESS NEXT DOOR".
I found this interesting at first because it is super local to me, including involvement of the "Mother of God Community", which has it's own controversial history (and the same church where the priest denied communion to the daughter of the decedent), human trafficking allegations, and the involvement of Brett Kavanaugh and his mother Martha Kavanaugh as a judge who oversaw related legal matters, well ... lot's of interesting stuff in this long article.
Dos Santos lived in a chilly basement with a large hole in the floor covered by plywood. There was no toilet, Kerr, now retired, said in a recent interview, pausing often to regain her composure, tears welling in her eyes. (Renê Bonetti later acknowledged in court testimony that dos Santos lived in the basement, as well as confirmed that it had no toilet or shower and had a hole in the floor covered with plywood.
"I couldnt believe that would take place in the United States, Kerr said.
Alongside the criminal proceedings was a separate civil case in Montgomery County filed by dos Santos seeking restitution. One of the many judges involved in the civil case was Martha Kavanaugh the mother of future Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh.
Brett Kavanaugh, who was then in private practice, took on Bonettis appeal as a pro bono case the month after his mother had frozen his new clients assets