and yet, the powers that be, still chose that particular area to build, maybe because of other reasons, because of better prices for feed, etc., but if you can't get workers...when rump slammed the doors on immigration (legal or not), a whole pool of workers disappeared, and I'm certain that they won't want to return here to the US, being that the US is again, number 1! (in CV-related cases...
We are winning so much in rump's world.
And, being that meat processing plant workers are falling sick too in South Dakota, MN, and KS?, this is a double whammy. People aren't going to be flooding into these places to work, especially since they don't pay really that decent of a paycheck, nor offer much in benefits (if any) for such a messy job.
It's been too long since I've looking at the meat processing plants looking to hire in Joplin, MO so I'm not up to speed on this area terribly much. But most people I have talked to who have worked in the field will never eat that particular meat again (the one they processed at their particular plant). That's why, as a kid, I stayed away from working in this area.