huff and puffs legacy [View all]
like all the nay sayers that bamboozle the electorate gov la pue will leave a legacy of "why the right can't govern". he is proving daily that he is not his own man-more and more of his agenda is the same bullchit that the maine majority and
and their ilk have tried to plant on the local tv/talk show. Including the ins bit.
Of course you can get cheaper ins but you lose coverage. here is the pinnacle of stupidity -he is spieling about jobs bill while his deeds are quite the opposite-or as known in the trade bamboozle them with bullchit while you knife them in the back!
The results are irrefutable. According to the U.S. Commerce Department reports, Maine was the only New England state to go backward in 2011. The only one. We lost ground.
Maine's economy shrank while the rest of... the nation's grew -- including that of our New England neighbors. In the last year alone, Maine ranked 45th in the nation for wages and dead last for personal income growth. We aren't ...going forward, we're going backward.
Republicans have made it harder to live and work in Maine. Their draconian cuts and sound bite solutions aren't working. And instead of assisting Maine's economy, their bills and numerous budgets have attacked working people and middle-class families.
It is true: "We can no longer afford to pass up any economic opportunity for our state."
here is the facts quite the opposite of his meeting!
more to follow! ck it out mike ur leader sucks!