Have Iowans rejected Democratic values? [View all]
The analysis of election outcomes in Iowa is not a new topic. But applying the lessons that could be learned has eluded some candidates and our dedicated supporters. In at least the last four general elections, Iowa voters have selected the Republican candidates up and down the ballot. As a party, we are poised to repeat the behaviors of the past that have cost Democratic candidates their races.
Democrats have lost state House and Senate seats in most of rural Iowa. We have lost at the top of the ticket in the four key races, for president, governor, U.S. Senate, and several U.S. House districts. Our analysis to date has addressed the following concerns:
Have Iowans rejected Democratic values? The conclusion: not necessarily. Does it mean they reject all Democratic candidates? Again, not necessarily. What we have not done with those conclusions is determine the correct course of action.
In most statewide races, reaching voters with a message takes resources that are again sequestered in defensive positions. Candidates with lackluster messages but good relationships with donors are funded in ways that drown inspiration by sheer volume. This approach has created a system that supports career politicians, donor-class insiders, and party puppets, not Democratic leaders. Iowans are not hearing the Democratic message. They are not hearing:
We want you to thrive, and here is how we will measure it and how we will get there
We want your communities to grow, and here is how you can achieve that
Your safety, comfort, and quality of life should be affordable and attainable, and here is how we will assure that
We want you to reap the rewards of your work, and here is how we will empower you
We want a fair opportunity for you, and here is how we level the playing field
Your diversity is valued, and here is how we protect it
Corporate corruption and corporate welfare must be stopped, and here is how we will stop it