U.S. Supreme Court gives IL Rauner major victory over labor, in ruling that could undercut public [View all]
U.S. Supreme Court gives IL gov. Rauner major victory over labor, in ruling that could undercut public worker unions nationwide
Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner on Wednesday notched a major victory in a battle with organized labor when the U.S. Supreme Court issued an opinion that could undercut public employee unions nationwide.
In a case with roots in Rauners first weeks in office, the court ruled that public workers shouldnt have to pay fees to a union they dont want to join. That means government employees in Illinois and nearly two dozen other states can choose not to pay for union efforts to bargain over wages, pensions, health care benefits and other services.
The governor, who has long been at odds with organized labor and has called the states largest public employee union Af-Scammy, praised the Supreme Courts decision as a historic victory for freedom of speech. Union advocates had warned a ruling against the fees would weaken organized labor by chipping away at their membership and the funding that goes along with it, but labor leaders vowed to fight back.
The idea behind the fair share fees struck down Wednesday is that unions negotiate on behalf of all employees within a workplace, and workers who benefit from bargaining should help cover that cost even if they dont agree with the unions politics. Its a legal precedent that the high court set in 1977 in a case known as Abood v. Detroit Board of Education that Wednesdays 5-4 decision has now reversed.
So this is what having a R gov in IL is achieving
Oh yeah Rauner was in the courtroom when the Justices delivered the opinion