is it always the abused kids who get the blame for violence ? I am sick of that bullshit.The violent kids were the popular and narcissistic bully kids abused or not does not matter they choose to identify with abusive people who do violence and become criminals. I would have ticked off every godamn criteria for that asshole cops list even though I was not violent despite being abused at home, at school everywhere. I got f's because everyday the bullies on the bus tossed my schoolwork out of the bus window, too far away for me to walk to go find it in some cornfield.
So I gave up on turning in my assignments starting in 7th grade. I couldn't study at home because home was not safe and full of chaos and violence.. I had to stay vilagent or my ass would get hurt everywhere I went. I remember when I was 13 asking my mom to take me to a psychiatrist because there was something wrong with my head.
I had no safe place yet I hurt no one unless I was being beaten.. I never wanted to be like a damn bully or become my vicious father. Yeah I got cptsd and dissociative disorder rather than be the lowest form of life a godamn bully.