the reason we just gave 1.5 trillion dollars to the rich and deregulated the banks and fossil fuel industry, and why we pay 10 times more for health care and prescription drugs than other countries isn't just because those industries pay off our politicians, that is a big part of it, but IMO the answer to your question is that the real culprit is the corporate controlled M$M. I don't bother arguing with Trumpers any more, it's pointless because the M$M has destroyed people's critical thinking, they are brainwashed. When I used to argue with Trumpers I would cut and paste Dwight Eisenhower's farewell address, Ike, a Republican general/president. Ike who said we can choose how we spend our tax dollars, who said we can spend our money on books or bullets, on babies or bombs. I think we have 14 aircraft carriers and the rest of the world has 3. It really is just common sense. We have 5,700 combat troops stationed on our southern border at a cost of 220 million dollars to stop people seeking asylum, who the M$M portrays as an invading horde of you name it. The corporate controlled M$M created Trump, it didn't get him elected president just to make money, it was complicit in propagating his bs narratives. Trump and people like him have fertile soil to survive in. We are arguing over whether Jim Acosta should have his press credentials revoked because he asked tough questions. I remember Helen Thomas who JFK said of, Helen is a nice girl if she would get rid of that pad and pencil. I remember when Helen asked W. what are the real reasons we invaded Iraq, was it for oil, or for Israel? The days of Helen Thomas need to come back, these traitorous greedy bastards need to have a bright light shined on them.