Doomsday Preppers Will Descend on Denver for Self-Reliance Expo [View all]
If you're ready to get your doomsday prep on (or maybe you're just interested in vertical gardening and beekeeping?), the National Self-Reliance Project is bringing the Self-Reliance & Simple Life Experience to the National Western Complex September 22 and 23.
Eighty exhibitors focused on self-reliance, survival and sustainability will attend, as will twenty speakers from organizations like the Denver Office of Emergency Management, the Red Cross and Fortitude Ranch, a survival community with a location in Colorado Springs that is "equipped to survive any type of disaster and long-term loss of law and order," according to its website.
Much of "doomsday prep" these days is focused on sustainability and basic disaster awareness. The prepping community has become a more mainstream movement since the sensational Doomsday Preppers made its debut on the National Geographic channel in 2011, says Kiki Bandilla, a Coloradan and the CEO of the National Self-Reliance Project.
"This is about just being smart," Bandilla says. "It's a return to what our natural instincts are. That's really what we're trying to do, teach [people] what the term 'self-reliance' means. It doesn't mean you're nuts or negative or crazy people doing crazy things."
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