Colorado votes (or not, if they're Democrats) [View all]
I imagine you've been following the shenanigans our great Republican Secretary of State Gessler has been pulling. Last Thursday he made a long speech before the Colorado Conservative Convention about how the "left" steals elections in Colorado and participates in organized voter fraud. This from the man who told us last year that there could be more than 11,000 non-citizens voting in Colorado. After spending many hours of the overworked county clerks' time, large amounts of tax dollars, and sending thousands of postcards telling registered voters they are ineligible he seems to have found 35 non-citizens who voted though he hasn't even proved that number. Today's Denver Post tells us that the Secretary of State's registration website had 85,000 visits Monday but had many crashes and errors causing delays and potential voters who gave up trying to register. I'm sure a great many of these would be Democratic voters and may make the difference in such a close race as Colorado will have. Scary, I know. It's too late to do much about registrations; probably all we can do now is make sure every Democrat we know votes and hope their votes will be counted!