Rep. Dave Williams Just Makes Stuff Up [View all]
9NEWS Brandon Rittiman reported over the weekend and we didnt want it lost in the rush of news this weekan allegation from freshman Rep. Dave Williams of Colorado Springs that not only isnt true, but nobody knows where the hell it even came from:
Democrats in Colorados state legislature accused a Republican member from Colorado Springs of inventing a fake controversy Friday involving a planned protest from Democrat Legislators who intend to take a knee during the beginning of the special session which [began] on Monday.
State Rep. Dave Williams (R-Colorado Springs) blasted out a mass email, without including any evidence to support what he said, claiming to expose the despicable political stunt being planned by Democrats.
Democrats say there is no such plan and the only political stunt involved is Williams attempting to stir up a divisive hot topic for his own political gain.
Williams email did not name any lawmakers involved in his alleged demonstration and said he learned of it from capitol insiders familiar with these Democrat efforts.
Our sources all confirm that nothing of the kind was ever in the offing, and when the special session of the Colorado General Assembly gaveled in yesterday there were no Democrats taking a knee at any time. Not that doing so would have been some kind of egregious offense in our opinion, though we recognize there may be some debate on that point.
The point is that it never happened, and was never going to happen. Rep. Dave Williams just made this stuff up out of whole cloth to agitate his Republican base in arch-conservative House District 15gaining a reputation as Crazy Hollow after producing such luminaries in Colorado politics as Rep. Doug Bruce and Rep. Gordon Dr. Chaps Klingenschmitt, in addition to Rep. Mark Waller and former Senate President Raging Bill Cadman. Williams, described as personally unpleasant and professionally treacherous by more than a few of his colleagues, seems bent on adding his own unique lowlights to this districts not-so-stellar record.
In less than a year in office, this isnt even the first time that Williams has latched on to controversy in hope of elevating his own profile. From mendaciously attacking local governments in Colorado for an adoring FOX News audience to his too-gleeful identity politics food fights with fellow legislators, its clear that Rep. Williams shares his immediate predecessor Rep. Klingenschmitts relish for stoking controversy as a vehicle for career advancement.
To which we can only say, cool story bro.