Key down ticket races in Colorado [View all]
From the Boulder County Democratic Headquarters Newsletter:
Key down ticket races in Colorado:
Pete Lee, the Democratic incumbent in this Colorado Springs HD18 district is running a massive voter outreach operation to counter the higher numbers of registered R's in his district.
Evie Hudak, a Democratic State Senator from the Westminster area is in a very tight race. Help her campaign by walking a neighborhood or sending a donation.
Dan Kagan, the incumbent Dem and superstar campaigner is in an extremely tight state house race for HD3. The R's have targeted this Littleton/Englewood area seat, so help us keep it safe!
Brandon Shaffer is running a courageous campaign in Longmont and beyond for the 4th Congressional District. Brandon has moved to within striking distance of his opponent, so let's help him prevail by donating or volunteering here!
Joe Miklosi is running in a newly redistricted US Congressional District, CD6 in Aurora- it would be great to pick up this seat! Read more about his impressive candidate and how you can help him make Colorado more blue!
on edit: I would love to see a post like this in every state forum! This is where most of my contributions are going this election - down ticket campaigns!