Bad enough that Michael Bennet is not supporting [View all]
Colorado Cares single payer health Amendment 69. To have Progress Now Colorado (supposed to be made up of liberals), Crisanta Duran (D) House Majority leader, NARAL, and UFCW Union hold a press conference saying they will kill our one chance for Colorado to lead the nation toward universal health care is sad and disappointing.
I worked hard, as millions around the nation did, when Hillary and many Dems were trying to bring real universal health care to all with the ACA and we really thought there would be a single payer option. It was cut out at the last by all the for profit health and insurance agencies, pharmaceutical money and lobbyists and the result is what is happening now to Obamacare.
This is the result of Citizens United and all the corporate money poured into our elections. And of course it will continue if the 1%, Repugs and Trump run the country. It looks like Bennet needs our help; I hope all Dems will stand up and tell him that Colorado needs Amendment 69 to pass.