Denver Post editorial on education funding following CO Supreme Court Ruling. [View all]
Since 2010, education funding has been cut a billion dollars per year and the Colorado Supreme Court has ruled that this is acceptable in spite of constitutional requirements that education be properly funded. The cuts were largely due to the great recession.
The Denver Post editorialized that this ruling saves Colorado from a potential budget disaster because the state would have to come up with the money to fund education while other programs would be drastically cut. Yet the Post concluded that the ruling does not really jive with Colorado's constitutional amendment 23 which requires a certain level of funding and funding increases.
Isn't that convenient?
Nevertheless, the Post calls on the legislature to follow the spirit of amendment 23 and fully fund education. Quite a bit of money was cut from k-12 education in Colorado.
Here's the link to the Post's editorial and a link to the story about the court's ruling: