Colorado is mourning the disastrous toxic spill [View all]
from the abandoned Silverton gold mine into our beautiful Animas River. Not just Colorado, I know New Mexico, Utah, Arizona and the whole nation understands what this means to the wildlife and the people who live, make their living, play, and get their drinking water from the Animas. There is a poignant article in the Daily Kos written by the Four Corners Cossacks expressing the sadness and anger of the people in Durango, Farmington, and all the way to Lake Powell.
But the bloggers are all arguing over blame. Of course the greedy mining companies who left 55,000 abandoned mines in the West without cleaning up the mess they left are to blame, but we have had almost a century to tackle a problem we all knew would one day ruin our environment. The EPA made a tragic mistake when they were trying to stabilize the old mine and caused a dam to break far below the earth and sent 3 million gallons of heavy metals into the Animas. But we know the anti-environmentalists and the people they elected have been trying to destroy the EPA for years. All over the world we have continued to let the oil and mining companies make outrageous profits on the backs of workers and destroy our beautiful planet. This is not the first tragic spill and certainly won't be the last.