Ok, live TV is not the best.....CNN, have been watching for 3 hours....one more hour and I swear the [View all]
worst 3 hours of my life. I thought Id love them
..AH no
..or Im all wrong
..its so wrong
..just so wrong. First Anderson doesnt know how to make love to a woman. Then they had some tailed people on
fish people. THEN they had Andys mom and dad on
married for forever
.couple of jokes
his dad is getting a new knee
.hes gonna be 90 and having his first knee replacement. IVE HAD TWO KNEE REPLACEMENTS and Im 74. First knee was replaced 5 years ago. 2nd knee?? This past January. Hes just getting his first one at 90!!!!! People are either gonna love this years or they will kill themselves
now some guy in a stupid outfit is talking to the field, the crowds
..absolutely stupid. and im still watching. Oh, and Ive had to much to drink
and a few drags off my 4/20 pipe. Oh wait..50 Cent is being interviewed. And oh my gawd they tried to drink 50Cents booze and 50cent just spit it out
.OMG theyre talking about his movie channel coming out. I CANT BELIEVE HOW I AM STILL WATCHING THIS PROGRAM. It will be the talk of at least two days
.may-be more. 😳 😳 😳 😳 😳 😳 😳 😳 😳 😳. I swear to gawd CNN is gonna get sued to a point where the network is gonna not be around. Ted Turner is going to come out of his grave!!!!!!!!