Tweed Amp Build Thread... For those interested [View all]
Dunno if anyone is interested in this sort of stuff, but here goes...
Last year I built a Tweed Champ 5F1 for a buddy of mine. It sounded pretty awesome, and he was pleased...
I've been playing a Phaez SIBLY (look them up, handmade amps by Randy Fay in Canada) for about 3 years now, and have loved it... It's based on Page's SuperLead from The Song Remains The Same (SIBLY=Since I've Been Loving You), but scaled down to 18 watts.
I borrowed my buddy's Champ for a recording session that never happened, but ended up using it at band practice for a couple weeks, plugged into a 12" WGS Retro 30, and man! I was in love... Then he picked it back up. This was 6 months ago.
For the past 6 months, I've been trying to dial those tones into the SIBLY with zero success (and why would I succeed, they're different beasts). I have been obsessed with this tone, and I need Tweed tone.
I build custom effects pedals for local guys (so, maybe 4-5/yr), and got a call the other day and a guy ordered 2 pedals from me (which means 3 already this year, plus a 4th one pending deposit), so I used the profits to built a 5F2 Tweed Princeton. I ordered the MojoTone small parts kit (to save time), and a pair of ClassicTone transformers. I have an old Dean Markley 8" practice amp that's been dead in a corner, so I've stripped it out and started building...
You'll note my crude faceplate. All I had was some thin sheet metal, and as soon as it hit the drill press, it started to crinkle. Gonna get a real faceplate made in the coming weeks. Aside from that, everything is coming together nicely. It'll be a TIGHT fit, but it'll sound good in the end.
*NERD STUFF* Modifications include: switchable impedance (4 & 8ohm), negative feedback switchable, 3 way switch on the tone circuit (stock, off, bright), improved grounding, center tapped heaters.
Sadly, I have to take a break for a couple days, as there's a Rhodes on my bench in need of repair, but I'll be back at it this weekend.