nice consolidation of the different techniques youve used on your older paintings of old buildings and your newer paintings of nightscapes. I can see why you were attracted to painting this.
It has the feel of a sketch of the geometric shapes which you finished with layers of neutral paint. The white and grey colors give it that ghostly look you capture so well in your night scenes which is enhanced by the gloom of the sky. Youre depicting a lot of details the way you do in your paintings of old houses and buildings which are so full of history, but in this case the feeling is of a mere shell of a once utilitarian set of buildings, which is also reminiscent of a specific time in our countrys history. It reminds me of old cement factories which have been abandoned to the aging process of time, weather and lack of use. Its the kind of derelict old building that promises great fun if you go into it to explore it. Something we would all do as children, exploring our world and our surroundings. This place was once alive with activity, but now it stands like a sentinel, guarding the bygones of time. Inviting while also being forgotten by us as it ages into oblivion.
Nice work!