Youve captured so many feelings in this. Loneliness, mystery, illumination, longing, hope.
Water is the most mysterious of elements, not only in real life but in a symbolic way. It conjures up so many thoughts and feelings, from the terrifying to the sublime. From death to life. And as a spiritual rebirth and a sin cleanser. It is the fundamental reason life exists on our planet. And it washes all life clean. The ending and beginning of life itself.
The wolf bays at the moon in search of its soulmates, using the language of his own kind, knowing it will be heard and answered. The water is full of life and is the giver of life to the dwellers within, symbolized by the fish, and the giver of life to plants and living creatures.
The spiral staircase, the ladder to heaven above and the connection to the dark subconscious below, all connected as the path of ascension or descent into darkness. A journey.
I know this may sound a bit religious, but the fact is Im an Agnostic, but I have a deep appreciation for symbolism.