In both of these you used completely different methods. Your tree shows you were very loose and quick in both the ink drawing and the laying down of paint, and it shows that you wanted to catch a feeling of landscape, not too defined, like a quick study. I really like that you included the speed limit sign which gives it a location beside a street. And I like that your tree dominates the picture. The way you painted the upper branches which are bare feels like the tree is reaching up to the sky. Your quick layout gives the picture an exciting immediacy. A depiction of wild nature.
In contrast the bay window sketch is much more detailed and controlled in that you are depicting your delightful and unique way of drawing and painting architectural lines. The lines are freehand, and giving much more detail to all the rectangles in the painting. Your use of pen and ink really stands out because you dont cover them with washes of paint, so the result is a very clear and airy drawing enhanced by the painted details. Both the ink outlines and the color washes and strikes work together in a complimentary way, balancing each other really well. The overall feeling is light and air and sunlight flooding in crisply defining each object. I really like that the ink lines and shapes are defined separately and of equal importance to your splashes of colors. This mixture of different mediums done in freehand is really appealing to me. I especially like how you use the drawing technique.