I like figurative representational paintings that depict cultural concepts. I have done a few in an effort to capture something that is represented by the human figure that symbolically represents deep seated beliefs and cultural customs. That symbolize beliefs that are shared through the creative sharing of art or songs that are popular and iconic.
My reaction to your painting is that youre depicting a human figure squeezed into an unnatural pose in a space that is too small and restrictive for the figure to feel free or act naturally. Yet the man is looking at the viewer which gives it a dynamic and more personal touch, because the viewer becomes a part of the unfolding scene. I see a proud figure because of that gaze. One that isnt lost in his inner world but who connects with the viewer. In spite of being bent over and forced to squat within the confines of the canvas he is dressed well, with style in his clothes and his hair and especially in his shiny shoes. There is a sense of innate pride in the figure depicted.
I may be totally off base in what you are depicting here, but you would have to tell what your objective was to enlighten me or viewers since figurative painting is ultimately a personal thing for the artist.
If this enforced self distancing makes you go back to your painting then its a very good way to spend your time. You have talent and it shows. I would like to see much more and I would love to see what your explanations are too.