artworks. The 'Night Watch' turned to 'Day Watch'! and what different color view of the Mona Lisa. ~ I need more time on this article, I just found it.
- 7 Famous Artworks That Are Supposed to Look Completely Different, Huff Post, 2017
The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican was restored just before the turn of the millennium, which took Michelangelos cracked, darkened work and returned some semblance of the original intent. One scene depicted by Michelangelo is the casting out of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden.
Their taking of the fruit allows them to see the truth while separating them from their maker, much like art restoration opens our eyes to what a painting is supposed to be while taking away the original strokes of the creator. Since the Sistine Chapel ceiling has been restored, the light surrounding Adam and Eve has shined much more brightly illuminating more clearly than in decades both the beauty and the loss.
Art restoration is a tricky game. Perhaps worthy to note is a quote often attributed to Leonardo da Vinci: Art is never finished, only abandoned. Whether the original version of a piece or the deteriorated, surviving piece is the true artwork is all opinion.
Though, many of our civilizations masterpieces dont appear as they were originally supposed to look...
The Mona Lisa painting and the Mona Lisa as it's *'supposed to be' according to the writer.
2. The Mona Lisa is supposed to be far from brown and yellow and much of the ambiguity is just from deterioration.