Especially as a Valentine reference.
That being said, your use of colors and textures is superb. I looked at it for quite a while because it strongly drew my attention in. Your usual bright colors are there but the mixture of colors and textures and shapes within shapes is beautifully subtle. Everything is enhanced by this interplay. The brushwork is consistent throughout, including the background which ties into the overall painterly theme of the picture. I love every color in itself as well as its part in the overall shapes and theme.
I would suggest to call it a lucky accidental success and put it aside and do something else for your children. Once you get over thinking of it and seeing it as a failure and a mess you will see what Im talking about. I feel this is one of those times that you pushed yourself further in developing your own unique talent but because it didnt come out the way you meant it to you see it as a failure when its a success in a way you didnt intend.
It actually has a strong Georgia OKeeffe quality to it. I think its a direction you might want to explore just as an artist, aside from all the other wonderful things you do for your kids and friends. Thats my hope anyway.