Hieronymus Bosch Figurines: Put Them on Your Bookshelf. [View all]
Though "not a big knickknack person," Dangerous Minds' Tara McGinley admits to digging this selection of "tiny objects" straight from the mind of Bosch, all "kinda cool-looking in their own obviously weird way" and none "too expensive. The figurines start at around $45, depending on quality, size and detail." (You can find them on Amazon.) She highlights such issues as "Helmeted Bird Monster," which according to manufacturers Parastone features a severed foot "swinging from the bird's helmet referring to the horrible corporal punishments which could be expected in hell."
"Devil on Night Chair," one of the most recognizable denizens of The Garden of Earthly Delights' third panel, comes cast in his famous position, "eating a person on a chair where he will excrete the human remains." The considerably less satisfied "Fat Belly with Dagger" comes from the third panel of a different triptych, The Temptation of Saint Anthony, the dagger in his belly showing "the consequences of intemperance. His eyes look out at you in acknowledgment." Its makers promise that "you will look at it in wonder as to how Bosch's mind conceived of such an unusual little fellow." Have a look at Dangerous Minds' original post and Amazon's Bosch figurine page for more information on how to obtain them, whether for yourself or as gifts for friends and family. They certainly won't look at them the same way they do Hummel figurines.