Foxify the News! [View all]
This is a simple game that I think fits pretty well with the theme of this group, saying as de-Foxifying headlines is certainly an important aspect of Propaganda Debunking. Stolen in no small part from the The Rachel Maddow Show Blog, I present: Foxify the News!
Here's how it works:
I provide a headline from any valid news site on the internet; the trick is to make it into a big scary headline that one would usually find at Faux News. For example:
Armstrong Sues to Block Doping Charges could become Suspected Drug User Exploits Court System to Beat the Rap
Meatball Company Recalls 300,000 Pounds of Meat could become Vegans Rejoice! Beloved Italian Tradition Halted Due to Government Testing
You get the idea. Foxify this headline, then provide one real headline (with hyperlink) for others to try:
Obama paying utility bills? Scam Victims Nationwide Think So
A few hints:
1. Everything is Obama's fault
2. If your viewers/readers aren't scared, you're not doing your job.
3. You can call anyone any wacky thing you want as long as it's only "alleged" or "suspected".
If you think of a good idea, there's no reason you can't foxify a headline already done, either.
Oswego "We Distort. You Deride." Atheist