I personally know exactly one person under 40 who earns a salary like that, and she doesnt even live in the USA.
I REALLY hope thats not typical of a whole generation of Americans. If that were a typical salary of a whole generation, inflation would be at 20%, and you couldnt book a flight or a vacation less than six months in advance.
Granted, $1 million in savings at age 60 will no longer be enough let you take early retirement with a Rolls Royce, a McMansion and two four month cruises a year in a first class cabin. But few people, Id bet, really aspire to that. And having a savings portfolio worth by $9 million is probably not in the cards for most of them, either. And they MUST know that voting for Trump, and even eliminating the income tax altogether will not magically elevate their savings to such a level. I cant accept that we have raised a whole generation to really believe this. Its like saying that kids in England universally believed that Alice in Wonderland was a true documentary.