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In reply to the discussion: Among American media, Stephanie Miller is exhibiting rare courage. [View all]LPBBEAR
(397 posts)her show almost every morning. I generally agree with her but lately there have been a few things that have bothered me.
1. Her insistence that she is not "going to cede X(twitter) to Elon Musk".
She says this constantly. Sorry but that battle is over Stephanie. Musk now owns twitter and all she is doing by insisting that she is not going to leave is prolonging a lost battle that she'll never win. Time to move on Stephanie and use your influence to bring all of your fans to other more progressive social media platforms with hopefully better moderation than the now completely corrupted X has. Stop supporting Musk's ad revenue by insisting on staying with twitter.
2. Her unfair handling of callers who are not on her list of favorite callers.
Fans will call in and quite often she dumps them mid sentence after only a few seconds of time given to their call. This happens daily. On the other hand her favorite callers get amazing amounts of time. Additionally her and Chris will sometimes joke about the quality of the callers phone while the phone system used on her show is constantly failing.
3. The "circular firing squad"
A phrase she uses regularly. IMHO there were serious mistakes made by the Democrats. Those mistakes should be talked about openly and learned from. There is a tendency on her show to immediately shutdown well meant discussion of those mistakes with her launching into a rant about the "circular firing squad". She'll talk long enough and loud enough until eventually the subject gets changed and back on to the "happy clappy" refrain she is comfortable with. Unless we learn from our mistakes we'll never achieve our goals. That requires open discussion about the issues especially by those in our progressive media with a voice, audience, and a microphone. She is failing in this area.
Some of her regular guests also really turn me off.
Since we don't have much choice in the progressive media arena I'll keep listening to her show but I much prefer Thom Hartmann. Also a little tired of the"nip" type jokes and the childish sexual innuendo.