Wasilla Candidate Says Some Children Not Worth Educating [View all]
The "compassionate conservative" speaks.
There were some interesting revelations in a debate last week at the Greater Wasilla Chamber of Commerce candidates forum. The debate participants were the two Republicans who will square off in the August 28 primary for State House Lynn Gattis and Mark Ewing. Democratic candidate Blake Merrifield, the only Democrat in the race, was not invited to this event.
There seemed to be few surprises both are in favor of the Knik Arm Bridge, both are in favor of Pebble Mine, but soon Mr. Ewing distinguished himself. After talking about cutting the operating budget, he cited education as one of the problems. The Frontiersman reports:
I got to be honest with you, I am not in favor of the No Child Left Behind Act, Ewing said. We are spending millions and millions of dollars educating children that have a hard time making their wheelchair move and, Im sorry, but youve got to say, no somewhere. We need to educate our children, but there are certain individuals that are just not going to benefit from an education.
Children that have a hard time making their wheelchair move? Sorry, Stephen Hawking. According to the assessment of the gentleman from Wasilla, you just wouldnt benefit from an education in the Wasilla public schools. And I wonder if Mr. Ewing would turn away a certain soon-to-be student in the school district named Trig Palin? I want to be a fly on the wall for that encounter.