Alabama Open Primaries -- Tuesday, June 3, 2014 7 AM to 7 PM [View all]
Alabama Democratic Primary. The last 2 election cycles, the Alabama Democratic Party has taken a real shellacking. In 2012, the first time all State offices held by Republicans since Reconstruction. We have a lot of unopposed Democratic candidates who won't be on a ballot until November. Of course, you may have local candidates in your area on the Democratic ballot who may need your vote.
But me and my brood is headed for the Republican ballot. We like to cause a little havoc in the prognostication and pontification of the Republican pundits, if we can. In low voter turnouts, even a small percentage of voters can make a difference.
So if you have a chance to participate in disrupting the Republican vote, make your vote count. You and your's crossover and try to nominate the most crackpot nutcases you can find on your ("their" ballot. Or that Republican who might not be as bad as that other Republican, if worse comes to worst.
For instance, you don't like Gov. 'Mr. Burns' Bentley? Well, check out Stacy Lee George (gun-toting corrections officer) and State lottery proponent! Hate Kay Ivey? Check out Stan Cooke 'and all those rules.'
Give our candidates targets in November! Make your vote count!
And remember -- vote early and vote often!