General Discussion
In reply to the discussion: Regarding the new forum that I proposed recently... [View all]betsuni
(27,368 posts)The big advice, Democrats should:
be more like Republicans
shouldn't only be "we're not Republicans"
shouldn't be Republican lite neoliberal neoliberal neoliberal
should've stopped all the bad things, that means they didn't want to
are to blame for every bad thing that has happened in the last 40 years at least
people whine about search for Goldilocks magic messaging words that don't exist and cling to conviction magical stern speeches promising to "stand up to" and "fight for" will instantly make voters stop voting against their own economic advantage -- it's easy -- words, not actually doing anything (incrementalism bad) are the most important thing
rich liberals must buy a nation-wide media empire like Republicans have been building since the 70s and force everyone to listen -- easy! while demonizing wealthy people as cartoon villains
if Democrats talk too much about accompaniments they are dumb and think everything's fixed and don't have to do anymore and must be harshly scolded (teach them a lesson)
even though the less money people have the more likely they vote for Democrats, the party is all wealthy elites with no idea of who the American working class is
Obama and Biden administrations were most diverse and progressive up to that point in history (Kamal's would've been too) but lying and calling them old centrist elites who must be replaced made it true
get polarization started early and haul all the insults for Democrats out of the closet, especially "establishment" -- vital to create a fake different between Democrats (corrupt establishment elites) and "progressives" (anti-establishment morally pure) for the next election (when goals are the same viciously attack other ways to accomplish them with purity tests -- they'll do it with Medicare for All again) -- and never mention Republicans control Congress (never mention reality in general)
whine about Democrats not giving away their plans for the future in public to enemies -- assume nothing is being done and nobody is doing anything
waste of time