Related: About this forumI need help with conflicting opinions about pot and hostility
My brother is a white evangelical Christian.........
He told me recently, and then gave me an article to read that equates pot with impulsivity. I thought it probably was bull and I noticed he cited no sources. But today I was speaking with him, (he has lymes and I have heard that medical marijuana can help that) and telling him my story about 2 pain doctors who lost their licenses for pushing opiates, (and also that our cousin and 2 of his kids have died from heroin......from West Virginia)
Anyway, I looked it up and I found a couple government studies saying the same thing about the impulsivity and hostility with pot. I was kind of shocked. I never equate pot smoking with hostility.
So my first thought afterwards was............let's ask the pot smoking hippies!
And that's why I am here!
Here is the basic gist of it.
Marijuana use is increasingly prevalent among young adults. While research has found adverse effects associated with marijuana use within experimentally controlled laboratory settings, it is unclear how recreational marijuana use affects day-to-day experiences in users. The present study sought to examine the effects of marijuana use on within-person changes in impulsivity and interpersonal hostility in daily life using smartphone administered assessments.
Forty-three participants with no substance dependence reported on their alcohol consumption, tobacco use, recreational marijuana use, impulsivity, and interpersonal hostility over the course of 14 days. Responses were analyzed using multilevel modeling.
Marijuana use was associated with increased impulsivity on the same day and the following day relative to days when marijuana was not used, independent of alcohol use. Marijuana was also associated with increased hostile behaviors and perceptions of hostility in others on the same day when compared to days when marijuana was not used. These effects were independent of frequency of marijuana use or alcohol use. There were no significant effects of alcohol consumption on impulsivity or interpersonal hostility.
Marijuana use is associated with changes in impulse control and hostility in daily life. This may be one route by which deleterious effects of marijuana are observed for mental health and psychosocial functioning. Given the increasing prevalence of recreational marijuana use and the potential legalization in some states, further research on the potential consequences of marijuana use in young adults’ day-to-day life is warranted.

(7,812 posts)...he'll like it!
(70,731 posts)5X
(3,988 posts)At least not recently, with modern research techniques.
(7,220 posts)Pot doesn't make people hostile, or impulsive. Quite the opposite, it tends to make people indecisive, unmotivated and in some cases, kind of paranoid. Back me up here, people with knowledge of these things.
CBDs have been out for a while now, and have all of the anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, and appetite stimulant properties that many suffering from chronic illness are looking for, without any of the psychoactive effects described above. And it's nonaddictive. We even give it to our arthritic dog (much easier on her system than NSAIDs, recommended by many other pet owners and veterinarians alike).
I know parents who give their children CBDs to alleviate seizures when nothing else has worked.
Give it a try, there's literally nothing to lose.
(23,203 posts)South American country just so they could put their child on CBD.
I just started back on CBD yesterday - I find the cream amazing. I have a pot card but I find the real stuff to make me feel scared.
Do you think, like my friend just told me, that it is better to buy the CBD from one of the regulated places than the place I bought the other day......where I literally felt better while sitting with him after putting the cream on and taking a sample of the tincture?
(7,220 posts)then it's easiest to go to a store and buy some to try out. Easy and relatively cheap.
For those who need doses stronger than a given state will allow without an RX, or for those living in states that don't allow recreational use (RX only), then obviously getting the card is the way to go. Last I heard it cost a few hundred dollars, in OR at least, so just going to the store works better for most.
PS, I agree the "real stuff" can cause unwanted side effects (paranoia, or "feeling scared" as you put it). One way around that is that if you can find strains that are from sativa (as opposed to indica), that's supposed to provide more of a feeling of well-being. From what I'm told.
The other thing I'm told (Oregon "bud-tenders" are extremely helpful with information), straight CBD is not as effective (therapeutically) as CBD with a HINT of THC, which acts as a kind of "booster". I've tried this out and find it to be true. I like the cream for localized pain, but for anxiety, tincture is kind of amazing.
(8,203 posts)IMHO - people who are already bullies, and are predisposed to impulsivity and hostility ..I don't know if it can be simply attributed to marijuana....perhaps they could expand the study to identify passive or aggressive characteristics -
I know people who are as gentle as a lamb who smoke pot, and then, I know people who ARE aggressive who smoke pot, but they were always bullies to begin with...
Just like docile drinkers, and downright miserable drinkers...
What I do know, pot does have medicinal value for many, where drinking has none...
B Stieg
(2,410 posts)when I run out.
(4,272 posts)I've known so many pot smokers and none were ever violent, however I've know plenty of violent alcoholics in my life. Once Married to one, and scars to prove it.
Faux pas
(15,564 posts)impulsive or hostile, and pot has never made me that way.
(2,535 posts)and I might get just a little hostile.
"Dude, just ask. It's for everybody to share."
(29,941 posts)I don’t mean to be snarky but why does anyone need someone else to do research.
He’s evangelical not unable to read.
Secondly, if all his ideas are the right ones, why would any state legalize it? And if majority rules, most states find the folks want it legalized. For recreational use.
That means like it or not, there are folks out there driving under the influence all the time. Have him find out himself how many traffic deaths are ascribed to the smoking of weed only.
I for one find the stereo- type of the Reefer Madness pot smoker to be offensive.
Personally, I have done 50 years of personal research. Everyone in my family and the spouses family either use or condone the use of pot. That includes nurses, a cop, teachers, bankers, a church secretary and generally normal humans.
Prohibition of pot is costly and silly. “Someone” told me pot has been easy to get forever and continues to be so.
We would just like it’s bit more if we weren’t criminals!!!
In the end, sigh.... I need a hit.
Cousin Dupree
(1,866 posts)butter jar ahead of me. Just kidding. I’m the exact opposite of hostile when I smoke. More like extremely laid back and giggly.
(23,203 posts)The guy my brother showed me made like this was some sort of long term thing. As some have suggested, maybe they were pissed that their pot was one?
Forty-three participants with no substance dependence reported on their alcohol consumption, tobacco use, recreational marijuana use, impulsivity, and interpersonal hostility over the course of 14 days.
(2,341 posts)I have used cannabis since the early 70s. Not once have I felt it made me impulsive (lazy, yes). Under Results where it says that "there were no significant effects of alcohol consumption on impulsivity or interpersonal hostility" I have to say BS. Total and complete BS.
Alcohol is known to make people aggressive. Pot? Not so much. Pot may make one paranoid (where they are very unlikely to even leave the house), but not aggressive. I have never once seen or heard of someone becoming aggressive because of pot. Alcohol, yes, every single day.
Now that doesn't mean that some people may feel it causes them to be more aggressive but I think they were already aggressive and impulsive. I have nothing to cite, sorry, just my opinion
(43,049 posts)I have no idea how reliable this is considered by professionals in the field. Considering that they may be using the app while stoned, or drunk, or both, brings up some obvious questions.
There is an obvious chicken/egg question-- are generally less aggressive people drawn toward weed? My personal experience is yes, but that's merely my personal experience. I don't hang out much with biker gangs and do what Breed called "Killer Weed". (Tried it once, though, and it's, umm..., not your Papa's pot. They don't let on what the extra ingredients are)
So, over quite a few years of smoking everything from mild home grown to whacky weed and Afghani opiated hash, I have never, ever seen a violent act started by potheads. Stupid acts? Yeah, a lot of those. A whole lot. But most of the time that's part of the fun. (Unless someone gets hurt)
Haven't seen any violence from users of other hallucinogens, either. But, again, that's just me. I always considered using alcohol and other substances to be social activities, and rarely used alone and didn't know all that many serious stoners or addicts.
That's all in the past, though, so I really don't know much about what people are doing these days. I do suspect however, that there are physical and psychological changes from psychoactive drugs. What they all are, I don't know, but I had acid flashbacks for years and something you could call "pot flashbacks". Nothing to get upset about, though. Not really any more than the same stuff we all go through in our lives.
One last point-- for many years the only funding any Federal agency would grant for pot were for "studies" that showed an intent to show something bad about the stuff. Not good science when your grant application says something like "will explore the relationship of pot smoking with wife beating".
(23,203 posts)
2.2 Procedures
Respondents initially completed a phone screening and were excluded if they did not drink at least once per week for the last month, were substance dependent for any substance except nicotine or had a serious mental illness (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, psychotic disorder). This study was approved by the human subjects research committee and written informed consent was obtained prior to intake.
I thought that these people could be trusted
(35,026 posts)Any peer review or duplicate study?
(1,262 posts)I smoked pot for 25 years. I quit 20 years ago. Pot did not make me more impulsive, nor did it make me more hostile.
(28,286 posts)Just nope.
(14,395 posts)RESULTS
Marijuana use was associated with increased impulsivity on the same day and the following day relative to days when marijuana was not used, independent of alcohol use. Marijuana was also associated with increased hostile behaviors and perceptions of hostility in others on the same day when compared to days when marijuana was not used. These effects were independent of frequency of marijuana use or alcohol use. There were no significant effects of alcohol consumption on impulsivity or interpersonal hostility.
So, correct me if I got this wrong, increased hostile behaviours and hostile perceptions on the days one smokes pot, then they calm down on days when they don't partake? Conversely, no significant increase in hostile behaviour from the effects of drinking alcohol?
And this is on a .gov website, with fancy ass fonts, and titles of authors. So that some dickwad Pence-like politician can source this shaky small study to form some new harsh bill to punish pot users. Or to use to deny legalization in their State.
(23,203 posts)and I wonder if it was just skipped over or I am missing something. Here is the post.
2.2 Procedures
Respondents initially completed a phone screening and were excluded if they did not drink at least once per week for the last month, were substance dependent for any substance except nicotine or had a serious mental illness (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, psychotic disorder). This study was approved by the human subjects research committee and written informed consent was obtained prior to intake.
(18,428 posts)..feeling hostile. Have your brother try a nice indica. baby steps.
(20,219 posts)I call bullshit. Those are two prime effects of alcohol overconsumption.