Bridget Kirouac (Florida Medical Marijuana Case) found NOT GUILTY
Friday the jury sided with Kirouac. “The people in the state of Florida do not want to convict people for this,” Minardi said.
Minardi was emotional after the trial. “We're talking about people's lives here. We're talking about suffering and dying people. And if you don't have compassion for're not human.“
Kirouac was emotional as well, and said she wasn't alone in her fight. “Overwhelming support of people from all over this country that I don't even know.”
She is now hoping this decision provides hope to others in similar situations. “They should not be prohibited from using it, they should not be prosecuted, brought to court, brought to jail in handcuffs like I was for hurting no one. “
Well, I hope the voters of Martin county are asking some tough questions of their local prosecutor and law enforcement today, specifically, why they wasted taxpayer dollars going after this lady and why the local cops had nothing better to do than follow people home from a hydroponics store to snoop around their house looking for pot plants.