I propose PRG be run like an organizing committee.
Not as formal as time-certain, Robert's-Rules-of- Order meetings, but a group which delegates certain functions and activities that within a reasonable time can yield results. For instance, we need some things done soon:
1. Clean up & shorten our lists of beliefs and goals. I and others have been working on this.
2. Designate a liaison to contact activists in the other groups already mentioned in the pinned threads. What are they doing? Do they want to combine forces? What works for them? What doesn't?
3. Look to long range planning. Who is good at PR? Being an official spokesperson? Media outreach? Scheduling? Web site development? Heavens, even fund-raising?
There are many tasks which will emerge later, but an organizing committee can be a good start.

Cosmic Kitten
(3,498 posts)Lets have a small group of "insiders"
set the table, invites some others to sit
with them, and determine what the "agenda"
will or will not include.
The ABSOLUTELY last thing we want
is a spontaneously self-organizing group
of like-minded people, with a common interest,
making decisions amongst and for themselves.
YES, we need a strong steering committee
to make sure everyone thinks what
our new "leaders" want us to think.
That just screams POPULISM!
Just in case...
(18,318 posts)Cosmic Kitten
(3,498 posts)Eleanors38
(18,318 posts)aspirant
(3,533 posts)EdmundBurke
(1 post)Warning - this is my 1st post on DU. I am sure there are rules I will break and that stuff I may say has already been said SOMEWHERE on the site. If so, please cut an FNG some slack. Thx.
Where I am coming from:
A leader is a person with voluntary followers. Titles do not make leaders. Anyone who needs rules to "make" followers toe the line is a manager NOT a leader.
So, do we have a discussion of organizing on DU someplace where folks already understand what I just posted and can share ideas and resources. If so could someone please supply a link or two?
Also, I could use a reservoir of smart alec memes. Ridicule is a POWERFUL weapon. I am willing to contribute some I have made and/or from my collection to such a group collection. Anyone know of such a place? I would start one, but apparently as an FNG I have no such ability here. <sarcasm
marble falls
(63,643 posts)Cooley Hurd
(26,877 posts)Your username could be considered suspect, however (i.e. Third Way).
(229,762 posts)And if your memes involve photos, Video & Multimedia might be the right place for them. Welcome to DU!
woo me with science
(32,139 posts)Very important, IMO that this group doesn't become just a funneling of threads about liberal issues to a back board while the shills take over GD.
IMO the only real point for seeking a separate space is to use it for actual organizing.
I haven't read much here yet...so will do that now to see what ideas we have so far...