Kill the Trans-Pacific Partnership Before It Kills the Middle Class
I would love to hear the pro arguments from those here that support the TPP.
According to the Economic Policy Institute, if the TPP is agreed to, the U.S. will lose more than 130,000 jobs to Vietnam and Japan alone. But that is just the tip of the iceberg.
Service Sector Jobs will be lost. At a time when corporations have already outsourced over 3 million service sector jobs in the U.S., TPP includes rules that will make it even easier for corporate America to outsource call centers; computer programming; engineering; accounting; and medical diagnostic jobs.
Manufacturing jobs will be lost. As a result of NAFTA, the U.S. lost nearly 700,000 jobs. As a result of Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China, the U.S. lost over 2.7 million jobs. As a result of the Korea Free Trade Agreement, the U.S. has lost 70,000 jobs. The TPP would make matters worse by providing special benefits to firms that offshore jobs and by reducing the risks associated with operating in low-wage countries.
This information came from Sen Sanders. Support Sen Sanders opposition of the TTP here:
Please contact your Senators and tell them to side with Sen Sanders and vote no on the TTP.
(17,997 posts)It's a horrible thing. Just horrible.
(2,941 posts)India is getting expensive, China is flexing military power.
All this progress in Asia is paid for by your jobs and the fact that those with jobs haven't had a real raise since the 1970s.
India and China also have some of worst human rights records on planet. That's something that goes hand-in-hand with globalization.
Vietnam is now the communist greenfield for exploited labor. $0.25 on the dollar compared to India.
Meanwhile, we are cutting teacher pay, torturing students with bullshit testing and blaming both groups for not "keeping up" with Asia. Translated this means keeping up with depressed wages and zero worker rights and protections,
All of this while CEOs make $40,000,000 a year - sucking value out of the nation.
(6,323 posts)One usually gets railed on by being critical of Obama, "Civics challenged, something about a pony, etc......" but as soon as you bring this up they quickly back out of the argument with some profanity never to be heard from again.
No real Democrat would even entertain the TPP. That would be the "Perfect Candidate" for the extreme left.
Such an obvious question, thanks for asking.
(50,983 posts)This is my make or break measure of a candidate or office holder.
I will no longer accept this Third Way/Far right wing bullshit.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)'you don't know what's in it, so how do you know it will damage the Working Class' etc.
We have seen the leaks from Wikileaks, but I've been told that such leaks are probably the worst aspects because leakers only leak the worst to further their own cause, or something like that.
I'm for not having Foreign Corps given the power to overcome our environmental laws, eg. Or our freedom of speech.
That is already happening with the Long Shoremen.
They need to make the whole thing public and start respecting Congress' right to see what these Corporations are up to.
(28,769 posts)it's the working class i'm worried about, that will be most affected
(10,007 posts)to join the Middle Class. The TPP will help erase that opportunity.
(28,769 posts)Cosmic Kitten
(3,498 posts)This isn't about trade, it's about revoking nations sovereignty.
The trade agreements put corporate "rights" above sovereign nations.
In effect, the corporations can do what they want under the guise of commerce.
The corporate interest is in extracting resources without restriction,
seeking the lowest labor wages while driving down standards of living,
and destroying public institutions a while establishing rent seeking industries.
IOW, wage slavery
(16,574 posts)Thank you, Cosmic Kitten, for encapsulating the reality behind all the mealy mouthed platitudes and demeaning insults. It is about exactly that ... the repeal of the sovereignty of the signatory nations in favor of global corporate sovereignty, starting with the good old USA. We have consumed enough, apparently, and are no longer sufficiently profitable.
Corporations Uber Alles. It even scans properly to appropriate Hitler's anthem for their purposes.
Cosmic Kitten
(3,498 posts)And that is why Wall St is focused on "making money" with money.
Its economic rent seeking.
Americans must borrow to pay bills, have a home, buy necessities...
and the banksters profit from the economic inequality.
Welcome to the "company store".
Debt bondage as a business model...nice racket, eh?