Why Warren would be a horrible VP for Progressives
From CNBC article :
Clinton would be wise to announce well before the convention that she's going to let all the delegates choose her running mate for her. This would not only be an open process, but it would show that Team Clinton is finally willing to give up some control of what's looked like a rigged game for years. Sometimes, nothing consolidates your popularity more than being willing to give up a little bit of your power. That's actually the definition of a compromise.
In that open-nomination scenario for the Democrats, I see Senator Elizabeth Warren as a strong favorite. She, alone, can bring the progressive Sanders followers back into the fold, because Sanders wing is also her wing.
Setting aside the fact that Clinton hasn't won the nomination yet, having Warren on as her VP would be bad for Progressives due to the fact that many Progressives are looking forward to a future Warren POTUS run. Being Clinton's VP makes a Warren presidency LESS likely, for a number of reasons:
1. The likelihood of Dems winning with two females on the 2016 ticket is a big unknown. It will be an uphill struggle to get one woman elected. If you doubt that, count how many times it's happened in the past. You can do it on no hands. If Warren runs with Clinton and loses in 2016, it will be highly unlikely that we nominate another woman (ANY woman) in 2020. It's a fucked up load of patriarchal nonsense, but hey...welcome to America.
2. Let's say they DO win. Cool, right? Not for Warren fans. She won't run against Clinton in 2020, and again, if we have our first female president complete 2 terms, it's very unlikely that well run another woman at the top of the ticket in 2024. That pretty much takes Warren off the table permanently. Again, patriarchal nonsense, but that's the world we live in.
3.Once more, let's say they do win. Even if Warren never ends up running for POTUS, isn't it still a win for Progressives to have her voice elevated to the Executive branch? Well sure, unless Clinton locks her down and muzzles her. Warren and Clinton are just not simpatico, and while Clinton would not tolerate a fiery populist voice in her court, Warren would not tolerate having to follow a corporatist agenda. The two would get nothing done together.
Finally, push aside all the POTUS maneuvering. Warren is needed by Progressives in the Senate. End of story.
Clinton/Warren would be a horrible ticket. Bad for the Dems, and worse for Progressives.

(19,460 posts)She also has a problems with Native Americans. Yes, she is a poor choice for Hillary and HRC will choose her own candidate, not supporters just like every other Presidential candidate does.
(16,916 posts)no one with Clinton's ambition would play that game
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)Kalidurga
(14,177 posts)TDale313
(7,822 posts)I did kinda like the idea of Sherrod Brown, but he seemed to shut that talk down.
She won't choose Bernie and I doubt he'd accept (and vice versa if he were to win the nom)
Frankly, not sure there's an actual liberal populist she could pick that wouldn't appear to be pandering and who would a) accept and b) wouldn't be immediately "muzzled".
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)reformist2
(9,841 posts)demwing
(16,916 posts)thanks for the kick
Peace Patriot
(24,010 posts)...whether Warren is on the ticket or not.
The likeliest way Clinton will ruin Warren's chances is by losing in the GE this year. If that happens--and I think it will (Clinton's negatives are just too high)--it will likely be decades before another woman gets nominated and Warren will be too old. Warren is a great senator but she would have to have FDR-like or JFK-like charisma to overcome our first woman nominee LOSING the election. And I don't think she has that kind of charisma. She's super-smart. She right on, on the issues. But she will have an albatross around her neck--Clinton's loss--and will have to have some extra oomph to overcome that.
If Clinton wins the GE, her administration is going to be paralyzed by one scandal after another--she is exceedingly corrupt; and she will be horrible on the issues that most people care about--war, increasing poverty, Mother Earth going down for the count, you name it. She's even weak on women's issues (has stated she's willing to compromise on abortion). Her very high negatives mean she won't have much citizen support enthusiastically rallying to her, and her policies will earn her even less. She will be a disaster as president, and Warren will suffer, as VP or not.I will predict right now that if Clinton becomes president, she won't get a second term. Who will replace her as a nominee or a president, I have no idea. We may not have a stable planet by the point, so maybe it won't matter much. The most likely thing to happen politically is a fascist dictator. The social chaos that climate change will bring may well result in that.
We have a choice now to have an amazingly inspiring president, Bernie Sanders, who is committed heart and soul to reversing climate change, and will, at the least, act quickly to slow it down and to mitigate its impacts on people. Our rigged system--from the filthy campaign contribution system to the 'TRADE SECRET' voting machines--will not likely permit him to be elected president. But we can still try. That's all we can do is try and try and never give up on the revolution that must occur to save our country, our democracy and our planet.
(16,916 posts)but there is one path (well, three variations on one path) for Warren that would be excellent for Progressives -
1. Bernie wins the nomination with Warren as his VP, and they take the GE. She'll be Sanders' age in 2024, and she can run then.
2. Bernie only serves 1 term, and passes the torch to Warren.
3. Bernie serves less than 1 term and steps down (he is 74). Warren steps in, and would earn the distinction of being both the 1st woman Veep & the 1st woman POTUS. In 2020, Warren would run as the incumbent. If Warren finishes less than 1/2 of Bernie's 2016 term, she'd also be eligible to run again in 2024 - opening the door for her to be the first person since FDR to be sworn into office more than twice.
Anyway, it's all speculation, as I don't get the impression that Warren is interested anyway.
(14,459 posts)She'll continue to kick butt in the Senate regardless what happens this summer.
(36,418 posts)when and if the FBI finds Hillary violated her signed classified information nondisclosure agreement. If the designated VP is tapped to take over the top of the ticket, this makes sense. Can't see Elizabeth Warren playing a muted second fiddle to Hillary Clinton otherwise.
(60 posts)Evaluate for yourself.....check the videos out
No love lost here.....
the most obvious elephant in the room is......Senator Warren is the only Democratic Woman Senator that has not endorsed Hillary. She has repeatedly denied invitations to fund raisers to Hillary's events.
There's no basis for this rumor at all.
I'd vote for Elizabeth Warren for president in a heartbeat!
(How can we get Hillary to step down in 2020 and let the better person become president?)
Elizabeth Warren vs. Hillary Clinton (2004)
@ 3:20
George Stephanopoulos Presses Clinton On Elizabeth Warrens Criticism On Bankruptcy Bill
Hillary Clinton & Elizabeth Warren | A Very Telling Story
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)asked Sen Warren if she agreed with Clinton on any issue. I can just see Sen Warren saying, "well no I think she is all wrong on increasing the subsidies to the banks."
(16,916 posts)And Warren would never accept.
The meme that Warren is on a short list for VP is just another damn lie from the Clinton camp to try to mislead progressives into believing that Clinton gives a rats ass about anything other than her own ambitions - political and financial.
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)CobaltBlue
(1,122 posts) I never read anything from CNBC, which is utterly repulsive and corrupt
Elizabeth Warren is a lead; not a supporting player. Given her decision not to run for presidentand that she is the only worthy Democratic Party (at least two years) office holder worthy of that jobshe should be the next majority leader of the U.S. Senate but we all know damn well Wall Street Democrat Chuck Schumer will get that job. (But, of course, that may be ideal. It may not be worth having.)