Diabetes Support Group
Related: About this forumAnybody have experience with Trulicity?
Currently on Metformin 1000mg 2x/day and Januvia 50mg/day. I couldn't tolerate the Januvia at 100mg due to swelling and joint issues. It worked great on my numbers, but I didn't feel like moving at all. Doc wasn't happy my A1c last week. It only went down from 7.8 to 7.7 since the start of the pandemic. I think the fact it went down at all is a miracle. I have been having an issue consuming comfort foods, especially at the beginning of the pandemic. Got serious about getting back on track with food and exercise this past month, but I guess it would have been better if I had done that 3 mo. ago. Weight came down about 4 lbs, cholesterol and triglycerides came down some (still high, but about ~30 points down from 2 yrs ago). Didn't want to take a statin so she suggested Trulicity starting at the lowest dose. My morning numbers are always the stickler, and she said it would help the morning readings and with weight loss, which would help with the cholesterol/triglyceride numbers. She thinks if the Trulicity works, I can totally ditch the Januvia and eventually lessen the Metformin.
Anyway, I have a 3-mo supply of pens in the fridge. After reading the side effects, I decided not to try starting it before Thanksgiving. The side effects list reads like a horror story. Not really looking forward to this. It's all the possible side effects, not the needle that worries me. I've given myself needles before (progesterone and heparin shots) so that shouldn't be a problem.
Wanted to know if anyone on here was prescribed Trulicity and what was your experience. Any tips for newbies? Literally, my doc said "There are lots of YouTube videos on it. Take a look."

(1,061 posts)I have experienced no adverse side effects. I inject every Sunday night, which is relatively painless. What I did notice is that I lost about 10 lbs within the first month or so, and my A1C dropped several points within 6 months. I had previously injected Victoza daily, as well as being on Metformin prior to that. I had much more difficulty with those two medications than I ever have with Trulicity. The cost is a shocker, but with the manufacturer's card and our insurance the only big hit is in the Spring when our deductible doesn't cover it.
I hope it works for you as well as it has for me. Give it a try.
(12,360 posts)The doc said she'd be happy if I was around a 6.4 or lower for my A1c. Hoping that my body does what it's supposed to and that I have the same success. I was going out to a few of the diabetes management sites and it seemed like anyone there that had anything to say about it either had reactions or was not happy with it. That, coupled with reading the enclosed and pharmacy printed docs were scary. I was aiming for a Sunday night to start. At least if I do have a rocky start, I'm working from home, so I'm literally 20 steps from the powder room
The doc did caution me about having a heavy meal. She said it would be mostly just uncomfortable but would take awhile to subside since digestion is slower. Try not to do that anyhow since I already have issues with a small hiatal hernia that sometimes acts up.
(12,739 posts)Shes had no problems. Its easy to use and it did improve her numbers.
(607 posts)No side affects. List 15 lbs.
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