The joys and rigours of converting to another religion
The diversity of the GTA and its influx of immigrants make it fertile ground for religious conversions.
Nichole Hosein, a French teacher in Hamilton, converted from non-practising Christianity to Islam five years ago.
By: Noor Javed News reporter, Published on Sun Mar 31 2013
Monika Pakos found God while driving through Mississauga.
It wasnt quite how the 22-year-old imagined such a life-changing moment would take place.
She had been researching religion, and specifically Islam, for two years after a university class on world religions sparked an interest. And, lately, thoughts of conversion had crossed her mind.
But Pakos, who grew up in a Polish Catholic household, wasnt quite sure what she had to do to take the final leap of faith. So, as she drove to her job at a restaurant last November, she called up a local Islamic centre.
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