Related: About this forumthere is no I
There is no you, or me.
There is no world held in disbelief, stationary that survives.
There is only all in everything encountering some movement,
in Time.
There is no God, yet God, or the idea of origin of humankind,
I am, an imaginary spirit, who tries to talk, communicate,
fully aware that I observe this life, yet it seems I cannot understand,
who I am.
I can only imagine the construct I have over time constructed,
from observation.
And the more I learn the more I find myself deconstructing who I am.
It becomes like the universe that encompasses everything.
We could never understand God if there is a God.
Just like I can't understand my dog who never talks.
It is not just a dilemma, it is a waste of time.
Logic, or should one say, a discernability towards A measured
that includes emotion something akin to love or at least,
the belief in geo piety in any type of human creation.
you might be afraid of things you cannot explain,
which works against you, whether you believe in
any God, or do not.
The object is this.
This is what we experience as life.
( No wait, I must be honest, Kierkegard didn't say that, hell, I don't know what he meant in anything he said.
Honestly I never studied Kierkegaard. I made that whole thing up which is I am sure completely false.
Yours sincerely, George Santos?)
(10,252 posts)NT