I see the gun fanciers are still celebrating Zman walking free after stalking, intimidating and
killing Trayvon Martin.
I'm betting most see themselves in Zman, and know they could make the same mistake, or worse -- grab their gun and head out with the intent to harass/intimidate an unarmed kid, ready to take it to the limit.
I remember the gungeoneers -- well the ones who haven't been booted as right wing trolls -- had a thread going just months before Zman grabbed his gun and took off to show that kid a thing or two, after Zman had a big fight with his wife.
The thread was about what to do and say to police if you shoot someone so you beat the rap. Zman must have been reading.
(2,101 posts)I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor.
(40,228 posts)either with a sheet over him, or in a booking photo.
He's a natural-born fuckup.
(34,670 posts)"Gun Fanciers". Great to use when you disagree with out being so disagreeable. I'm using that from now on.
Bjorn Against
(12,041 posts)Make no mistake about it either, Zimmerman's supporters are murder supporters and most of them are racists as well. They may get pissed off when I say that but it is the truth no matter how much they try to deny it.
Following and shooting an unarmed teenager is not self defense, those who try to justify such an action are no better than those who tried to justify lynchings in years past. They are morally reprehensible people and it is a stain on this site that they are allowed to make excuses for murder here.
(1,884 posts)Never mind the rest of the facts, like Zimmerman was requested to stay in his truck by the 911 dispatcher, but then got out and started following Martin anyway. They just gloss over that part and jump right to the part where Martin realizes he was being stalked.
stone space
(6,498 posts)...so openly, and then still turn around and deny it afterwards.
15 (48%)
Abnredleg, shedevil69taz, 840high, Lurks Often, mackdaddy, Surf Fishing Guru, blueridge3210, Big_Mike, Calista241, COLGATE4, Straw Man, mr_liberal, virginia mountainman, gejohnston, mog75
How do they get away with their support of murder so openly right here on DU?
Let's see if I understand, now. They support all 3 of these clauses:
(1) Zimmerman broke no laws.
(2) Zimmerman acted reasonably.
(3) Florida laws relating to any of his actions need no changes
Now, #1 alone could be explained away as an insult directed towards Florida, but in combination with #2 and #3, it is nothing more than full throated support for murder, plain and simple.
If I get banned from DU for objecting to murder, then so be it.
A 48% support rate for Zimmerman on a DU poll is disgusting.
(10 posts)(1) Zimmerman broke no laws.
(3) Florida laws relating to any of his actions need no changes.
Now, #1 alone could be explained away as an insult directed towards Florida, but in combination with #2 and #3, it is nothing more than full throated support for murder, plain and simple.
May I ask what law Zimmerman violated had he been in a blue state?
Zimmerman suffered several injuries to the face and AT LEAST TWO injuries to the back of his head. Now, I believe it is physically impossible to injure one side of the head then the other side of the head in a single blow. This means the head MUST have struck concrete AT LEAST TWICE.
Now you may say the injuries were not that severe. Meaningless.
If a woman was getting raped, the criminal was on top of the victim, and someone was striking her head with a physical object (using the SAME force as alleged by Mr. Martin) would she have to wait until she suffered significant injuries to employ defensive force?
The same question goes to Question 3. What laws need to be changed?
Zimmerman did not act reasonably by exiting the vehicle and somewhat following Mr. Martin.
Electric Monk
(13,869 posts)/GCRA host