This message was self-deleted by its author
This message was self-deleted by its author (billh58) on Thu Mar 12, 2015, 05:29 AM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.
(16,286 posts)Who dies matters not, one gun owner or citizen dies, another will be along any minute to buy another gun.
(6,647 posts)that a few so-called "Liberals" repeat their lies and support their positions while feigning to dislike and disagree with the NRA/ILA. They are the same organization, backed by the same money and right-wing ideology.
Gun nuts and the NRA are consenting adult bedfellows, and the fruit of their coupling is the highest gun death and injury rate in the civilized world, and a growing body of homegrown domestic terrorists bent on overthrowing the government.
Fred Sanders
(23,946 posts)billh58
(6,647 posts)Sometimes my Muse catches me awake...
Electric Monk
(13,869 posts)(from today's Toon Roundup 4 by n2doc)
stone space
(6,498 posts)If something like this were to pass here, I'd refuse to enter the classroom.
(6,647 posts)not alone, and are among the majority of students and professors around the country. The following is from an article is from a NYT report, and carried by Slate:
In case the public discussion around campus sexual assault wasn't enough of a circus, now we have the gun people getting involved. The New York Times reports that pro-gun advocates are hijacking the issue of campus sexual assault to advocate for the long-standing goal of getting more colleges to allow guns on campus, arguing that women need them to be safe from rapists. If these young, hot little girls on campus have a firearm, I wonder how many men will want to assault them," Nevada assemblywoman Michele Fiore, who is sponsoring a bill to force colleges to allow guns on campus, told the New York Times.
That kind of contemptuous language is a good indicator of what is going on here, which has little to do with sincere concern about campus safety and everything to do with finding angles, any angles, to inject guns into every walk of life. "The gun lobby has seized on this tactic, this subject of sexual assault, Andy Pelosi, the executive director of the Campaign to Keep Guns Off Campus, told the New York Times.
That gun lobbyists would be keenly interested in college campuses makes a lot of sense. As the New York Times reported in 2013, the gun industry is deeply worried about young people's declining interest in guns and is constantly seeking new ways to market to the younger set, hoping to turn them into lifelong customers. Getting guns onto campus would absolutely help that cause.
But would it actually improve campus safety? No. Most rapes, especially among college students, are acquaintance rapes and defy the burglar-coming-in-the-window fantasy of self defense that gun advocates like to invoke. If you have a rape situation, usually it starts with some sort of consensual behavior, and by the time it switches to nonconsensual, it would be nearly impossible to run for a gun," John D. Foubert, anti-rape activist and Oklahoma State University told the New York Times. That's a best case scenario. There's also a concern that allowing guns on campus would make it easier for rapists to rape: Get a girl to your room, start messing around, and when you want to attack, show her the gun you're now allowed to have on campus.
Guns on campus are an extremely bad idea all around, and the right-wing gun lobby's interest here is not in preventing rape, but in selling more guns.