This message was self-deleted by its author
This message was self-deleted by its author (billh58) on Thu Mar 12, 2015, 05:30 AM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.
(39,215 posts)not want the "new world order" to happen but they support these corporate thugs. Remember that it was H W bush who first talked about the new world order. Ignorance rules.
(6,647 posts)is filled with fear of Liberal tyranny, and the destruction of the Constitution, with promises of defending against that made up scenario. It is a diabolically clever strategy, because in the end the right-wing does not need to deliver anything of substance because there is absolutely nothing to "defend" against.
The NRA very effectively uses this smoke-and-mirrors ploy to sell guns, and hoodwink the unwashed.
flamin lib
(14,559 posts)Whether it be the Sovereign Citizens, Promise Keepers or just that good ole boy who hoards guns and bullets and gets a laugh or two at barbecues.
Why don't we call these people what they are; terrorists? Where is it written that terrorists are all dark skinned or Muslim? Aren't the drug cartels as guilty of vicious atrocities as ISIS? When an OBGYN is shot through the kitchen window of his home because he provides a legal and necessary service to his patients is that not a terrorist act?
Why is it that it's okay to have guns available to these people without background checks or oversight by local law enforcement who may know of their violent intent?
(6,647 posts)is what keeps most gun nuts going, and the right-wing gun lobby feeds their paranoia a nutritious diet of both of these staples. When they completely go off of the deep end, they join a militia and get a desert of racism and hatred as a bonus for being good little robots.
(54,770 posts)billh58
(6,647 posts)in the woods. I especially like the Confederate flag tee-shirt the dude second from the left is wearing. It's so patriotic to be a racist, bigoted, TeaBilly and to want to protect the Liberal USA Constitution at the same time.
These are fine representatives of responsible American gun owners. Who wouldn't want to live next door to any (or in case they are a single family) all of these dipwads? I'll bet the Bubba with the confederate flag has at least two first names.