This message was self-deleted by its author
This message was self-deleted by its author (billh58) on Thu Mar 12, 2015, 05:34 AM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.
flamin lib
(14,559 posts)Constitutional Carry is anybody with a gun carrying it openly without a license, training or background check. Open carry meets Stand Your Ground.
(6,647 posts)and they will shoot anyone who opposes the public carry of lethal weapons by Bubba and Mrs. Bubba. The backward, right-wing, gun nut mindset boggles the mind...
(54,770 posts)folks banned from DU often post.
Some habitual gun carrier posted there about walking down his neighborhood street, hearing a noise behind him, and pulling his gun as he whirled around in fear. Turned out to be a neighbor's dog in his owner's yard.
I thought the concealed carry folks were well trained and all. Never pulled their gunz expect when their life was in danger. Here's come fool pulling his gun without having any idea of the target. Some kid popping a bag would probably start him blasting away. Such action is how innocent folks get shot. Worse, a lot of his concealed carry buddies agreed with his actions.
But what the heck, if he shoots some innocent person there have even been threads on our RKBA forum offering suggestions on what to tell law enforcement to get off. Gun "mentors" -- like Massad Ayoob and Zimmerman's instructors -- teach what to say. That's just wrong.
(6,647 posts)with the gun lobby feeding that mindset at every opportunity, and the weak-minded buy into it. Unfortunately, these are the very people who should NOT be allowed to have a gun.