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This message was self-deleted by its author (billh58) on Thu Mar 12, 2015, 05:37 AM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.
(54,770 posts)Thinkingabout
(30,058 posts)Than auto accidents. I own guns but do not consider myself to be the gun nut who seems to think guns is everything. I am from a family of hunters, who brought home the game for the family. It would ruin venison to take it with many rounds from an AK47 or AR15. I love venison, don't care much for eating lead. I would love to see a group who is very interested in providing safety training with guns, this I could support. Just as there are people who should not drive a vehicle there are some who do not need guns, to own or use. We see in Washington state when the "open carry group" showed they immediately set up restrictions. If I go shopping I do not want to see the "open carry" group walking around, they need to show more responsibility.
(5,829 posts)That group is the NRA. At one time, they were the most respected firearm safety group. Their Eddie Eagle program taught kids safety above all. (Find a gun? Stop! Tell an adult). Then they drank the koolaid.
Those in the extreme gun control wing are partly to blame. Action & reaction. But it's not all their fault. As Repubs put up barricades against its members drifting towards the center, NRA followed their lead. In doing so, a respectable gun safety group who firmly held, and still holds, that the 2ndA defines an individual right, went off the deep end w/ the rest of the conservatives.
Dawson Leery
(19,386 posts)Gun ownership is being consolidated into the hands of a few right wing nuts. This is a problem.
(906 posts)I don't think it matters -
what is left is a bunch of right wing gun nuts in the deep south that will eventually die out
(5,853 posts)where gun ownership stands.
will it be dying off as the gun owning population ages?
or will millennials buy in as their disposable income rises? Its hard to picture an under employed 20 something spending $1000 on an assault rifle when drowning in student loans.
(906 posts)the number of US households that own a firearm is in steady decline makes me very happy
(43,363 posts)is elementary, basic human nature.
(20,450 posts)appalachiablue
(43,363 posts)The Media keeps this drumbeat going 24/7. Frightened people are easy to control as Goebbels & Hitler knew.
(9,126 posts)And they will pump up fear of blackness just to sell guns, the greedy, evil fuckers.
(23,730 posts)like it did 2 years ago, and 4 years ago, and ...