Another customer comment to Kroger.
In case you haven't been made aware, Open Carry Tarrant County members were belligerent at the Texas state capitol. They were rude and confrontational with any representative that did not support the pending open carry handgun legislation. Rep Poncho Nevarez was threatened when they were asked to leave his office and he has had death threats against him since. He now has a permanent DPS escort. These are the very same people who openly carry loaded assault rifles in your stores here in Arlington, TX.
Can I have an armed escort when I visit your stores or would it be simpler to just post a sign saying no guns on Kroger property? You know, like the one on Sprouts' door? Where I do almost all my shopping these days.
(4,033 posts)However, I already know what I will be doing. If/when I see someone carrying a weapon, I will leave. Immediately. Grocery shopping - leave the card in mid aisle, or if checking out, politely tell the cashier I am leaving (can't tell good guy with a guy vs bad guy with a gun) - go restock all my groceries. If dining out - leave - don't pay check, don't tip waitress (yeah, I know that crummy) - just leave. If mgmt wants to call cops on me, fine. Anywhere - see a gun - leave premises immediately.
If enough customers do it, retail will get the message that it costs more to allow open carry than it does to forbid it.
(2,382 posts)... who should NEVER be allowed to so much as touch a firearm. Okay, I'm a Liberal down to my DNA, but I am also a Liberal who can snap-shoot the seeds out of a grape, off-hand. I am a life-long gun owner who despises Wayne LaPierre and what he's done to pervert the NRA. But I know how to handle a weapon.
Anyone who has to make a big production out of owning a gun is not mentally stable enough to own a gun. And showing off an AR-15 in a SUPERMARKET?!!? Are you THAT afraid of produce?
Do you guys get off on frightening women and children? If you think you're "proving your manhood," I got some real bad news for ya: FAIL! But hey! You certainly proved your CHILDhood!
Sorry for venting, but people like that REALLY piss me off.
Roy Rolling
(7,246 posts)There haven't been any armed produce riots so open carry must be working in the supermarkets.
(2,382 posts)... those carrots look pretty ornery.
(15,882 posts)byronius
(7,652 posts)Riverman100
(283 posts)You'd swear I wrote that (gregcrawford's comment) since It so accurately reflects my thinking. I especially relate to the first sentence.