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This message was self-deleted by its author (billh58) on Fri Mar 13, 2015, 04:36 AM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.
When I was a kid, we played with cap guns.
(15,685 posts)K&R
(9,126 posts)Unknown Beatle
(2,688 posts)They come in all sizes.
jimmy the one
(2,721 posts)Unknown Beatle A simple gun lock would have done it. They come in all sizes.
And gun locks have been around & available for decades, yet still around 20% -30% of gun owners with children leave their guns unlocked & sometimes loaded or with accessible ammo nearby.
Accidental gun deaths tend lower in states with firearm storage laws & c.a.p. laws (child access prevention laws), and tend higher in states with little gun control.
The trigger lock law in Washington DC (&/or firearm disassembly), for a ten-year run at least, there were zero accidental child deaths by firearms (0 - 14yo) (wisqars source).
The trigger locks in your picture appear to be on the high side, cost wise, tho I've never bought one like that; a simple thicker lock resembling a bicycle lock, is available for a lot less I believe. In fact I have two, & they were free, given out by pennsy atty general Katherine Baker Knoll (sp) at an election rally I went to for john Kerry - but alas, had no firearms to use them with, they do double as short bike locks!
(8,159 posts)Then teach kids respect for them. These boys are/were teenagers. They should have known a gun is not a toy.
I grew up with rifles in the house, my kids did to.
I've got grandkids that hunt.
Never never would any of us use a gun in the manor these boys did.
Maybe it's because we live rural and pretty much every house in 20 miles radius has firearms but I've never seen anyone parading around town with a rifle or a gun strapped to them.
SW South Dakota here.
Flo Mingo
(494 posts)Where you can be arrested for letting your child walk home alone, because that's child endangerment
but get a "Get out of Jail Free" card when you kid finds your gun and kills him/herself or someone else, because.........well..........IDFK
Gawd Blez uhMurica