Teens Struggling With Mental Health Issues Often Have Easy Access To Guns
"U.S. teenagers with a history of mental health problems and suicidal tendencies are often able to easily access firearms in their homes, which could increase their risk of killing themselves, according to the results from a new study published in JAMA Psychiatry.
Although suicide doesnt always dominate the national conversation about gun violence prevention, its actually the leading cause of gun deaths in the United States. A large body of scientific evidence suggests that the presence of guns in the home directly increases the risk of suicide, partly because people who are attempting to kill themselves are more likely to succeed when they opt for a gun.
Particularly in the mental health community, theres been a renewed emphasis on safe gun storage to prevent kids struggling with depression from accidentally getting their hands on their parents firearms. Researchers at the University of Washington assumed that would mean that kids with suicidal tendencies would be more likely to live in homes where guns are out of reach."
Easy access to guns makes suicide so much easier and final, scientific studies prove it, another reason to get some control over these deadly weapons.
The Australian, U.K. And Canadian approaches to placing the burden of proof on a would be gun owner as to the justification for owning a firearm is the only sensible approach.
Time for another gun control vote in Congress on all the gun restrictions denied after Sandy Hook, the folks are down for it a bit more than GOP votes on repealing Obamacare and a pipeline.
(6,649 posts)gun nuts and their canned replies: 5, 4, 3 ...
(9,951 posts)there will be a vote on gun control?
Hell, Sen. Feinstein's AWB couldn't even garner a majority vote in the Senate, nor could her mag limit bill, and that's when we had a majority in the Senate.
Fred Sanders
(23,946 posts)The NRA and the GOP are your friends?
(9,951 posts)the AWB only got 40 votes while the mag limit only got 46 votes, and now with the repubs in control, how are you going to get a vote in either chamber of Congress?
(4,462 posts)How exactly were any of the gun control proposals going to pass the Republican House?
Fred Sanders
(23,946 posts)branford
(4,462 posts)will magically convince the majority Republic House and Senate to pass gun control measures or repeal the Second Amendment and its numerous state analogs?
If you believe that safe storage laws will reduce teen suicide, a proposition I find questionable, your best bet is to focus your political efforts state by state, where most gun control legislation is based, not Congress. So long as the suggested safe storage laws permit ready access to firearms for self defense (e.g., no rendering guns inoperable or without ammunition, etc.), you might very well find many gun rights proponents ready to compromise. Taking a carrot, rather than stick, approach, such as tax deductions for gun safes, might also be a viable strategy. However, if your demand is that the USA should be more like Britain or Australia concerning guns, which amounts to radical shifts in American culture and law and little more than gun bans, why would any gun rights supporter even begin dialogue with you?
flamin lib
(14,559 posts)that might work to reduce gun violence? Tax deductions? Gimme something to do the right thing and obey a law? This sounds like every discussion I've had about storage in the gungeon.
Do you get a tax deduction on auto insurance because its required by law?
Frankly I don't really care what you find questionable. More than 200,000 guns are stolen every year and go into the black market. That alone should be reason for safe storage. Will even the cheapest gun safe defeat a determined suicide? It will deter some. Just don't leave the keys/combination lying around.
Self defense? Your paranoia doesn't concern me.
Contribute to the discussion of ways to reduce gun violence instead of nay saying about what won't work.
(4,462 posts)Of course, you are certainly free to disagree with my positions or suggestions. However, how do you plan on getting your ideas through a Republican Congress, and with respect to some of your ideas, pass judicial scrutiny.
I'm a liberal Democrat, I don't own any firearms, no less a member of organizations like the NRA, a practicing trial attorney familiar with the legal issues concerning gun control, and more than willing to consider certain good-faith and limited gun control measure like universal background checks and safe storage measure. However, if you dismiss or harangue people like me, it only becomes much more difficult to pass any legislation.
flamin lib
(14,559 posts)A pistol safe can be had for $35. A safe for 8 long guns for less than $100. They won't comply with fed standards for class III weapons but they'll keep even the most determined teen and most all determined thrives out.
Enforcement will be an issue but a hefty fine and/or being charged with a felony for misuse of the gun might make a dent in mishandled firearms.
Besides, I have faith in most people. Americans largely obey the law even if its inconvenient. They just need to be made aware of what laws apply.
(9,951 posts)but I don't see how you would get around the 4A, maybe you have some ideas that don't infringe on that.
Be back later, gotta go do the farm chores.
flamin lib
(14,559 posts)GGJohn
(9,951 posts)I really curious to hear your proposals and see if they're workable.
flamin lib
(14,559 posts)GGJohn
(9,951 posts)The problem I see here are the true gun idiots who would abuse the system by buying a cheap safe just to get the deduction, but I do agree that most reasonable people will follow the law, especially if there's a financial incentive.
flamin lib
(14,559 posts)Also read SOP for the group and try to comply.
(9,951 posts)Ok, hefty fines for not securing your firearm, and misuse, but how, besides hefty fines and the threat of a felony, which probably would be struck down by the courts, do you ensure compliance without violating the 4A?
flamin lib
(14,559 posts)How are insurance laws enforced? Anybody come to your house and rummaged through your papers to find a policy? Does everybody obey insurance laws? No, but a lot more do than don't. Either take your negativity to the Gungeon or comply with the SOP.
(9,951 posts)the same questions that would probably be asked by those attempting to craft such laws.
flamin lib
(14,559 posts)GGJohn
(9,951 posts)tradewinds
(260 posts)I've told you before, go play with your guns. Play hard. Play with your friends. Please.
It seems you live for guns. what a sad sorry useless life that must be.
(9,951 posts)and proclaim the same thing over and over, then I'll just gracefully bow out and leave you all to yourselves.
Meanwhile, I'll continue to post in the other group where we have real and robust debates.
Have a great day and I hope we can debate on other topics.
flamin lib
(14,559 posts)propaganda? The group that has 100% agreement on all guns are good?
Yeah, that group.
(9,951 posts)You all regurgitate all the gun control talking points, brag about blocking members who dare to post a different opinion, this group that's 100% agreement that all gun control laws are good.
Yeah, this group.
At least in the other, more honest group, you're allowed to go there and express a different opinion, unlike here.
Bye bye.
flamin lib
(14,559 posts)billh58
(6,649 posts)at the very top of the GCRA Group page:
isn't it...?
This Group was formed for the express purpose of not having to "debate" with right-wing gun nuts.
(948 posts)![](/emoticons/hi.gif)
(260 posts)It seems to me you would not know "another topic" if it bit you on the ass. The whole world revolves around guns and your love of them.