NEW DISCOVERY: First Half of Second Amendment
I was unaware there was a first half to the second amendment, said Wayne LaPierre, NRA Vice President. I always just assumed it only read, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. I had no idea that it meant to arm the standing state militias at the time. It apparently also says, A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state.. Well I guess a well regulated militia is no longer necessary seeing as we have the United States Military, and the National Guard at the ready to protect us. Im going to have to rethink everything. Now, Im just going to have to be honest with my true intentions and can no longer use the second amendment as my reason for so many guns in the U.S. Now, Ill just to say its because Im in deep with the gun manufacturers and am trying to make as much money as possible. Dang it! This is going to take a lot of PR to overcome.
This new discovery comes a time of great debate over the pursuit seemingly limitless firearm ownership. People have now seen the first half of the second amendment states that if federally regulated militias are necessary, they may be fully armed. However, state militias are no longer necessary due to the United States military. It seems the second half of the second amendment was to arm the first half of the second amendment. Perhaps the second amendment may really need to be updated to meet current requirements and standards of necessary ownership. It definitely puts a kink in the NRAs plan of having an every man, woman, and child for themselves mentality like that of the Wild West or Prehistoric times before civilization taught us we work better in tribes (communities).
Free Wood Post will keep you updated as news of this discovery ripples throughout the nation.
Yes, this was SATIRE.
If only it was so easy to delete generations of propaganda and the commercialized gun culture that play on the fear and lack of self of those desperately seeking some form of identity.
But it is something to think about as we tackle the commonly accepted meme that guns are part of being a patriot, since they are necessary to overthrow government. We know who held the closest that philosophy, the Confederacy, and they did NOT agree with the Constitution that many have enjoyed basic freedoms or if not, used the ideal of being created equal to protect them.
The Founders did not allow rebellion, and that militia in the first half of the Second Amendment was made to protect that government, and not to destroy it. We fought a civil war to maintain the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Tearing it down will NOT result in those being the law of the land.
I posit that the failure of regulating military style weapons, that is, those that are designed to kill quickly a lot of people, endangers gun possession as a whole. To claim that the only purpose of owning is to protect the very right to bear arms under the 2A without taking into context the society at large, is in itself illogical and irrational.
Some say they need guns to protect themselves from the government and are fighting to shut down the federal government will eliminate their rights by killing the document put in place to guard that.
Call for a Constitutional Convention as Paul Ryan and the Koch Brothers want and you will live under the boot of the paramilitary or private militias of the rich. And the individual gun owner will NOT be able to protect themselves in a society run by criminal gangs.
The 'revolutionaries' we have heard for so long, have no real grasp of history, despite spouting slogans and claiming they are 'awake' and everyone else is stupid. It's the Dunning Kruger Effect, they are so confident since they are shallow thinkers, easily driven by passions generated by those will discard them after they've done the dirty work for them.
(21,363 posts)are so completely focused on firepower, they have missed the weapons the gov has that could actually debilitate them without a single shot ever fired.
Have they never heard of LRAD? Or any of the other physiological and biological weapons the gov possesses?
Your assessment is excellent.
(109 posts)Anyone not in the National. Guard has no Constututional right to a gun. Arrest them all for attempted murder, as that is the only reason to own one. You don't buy a hammer unless you're going to pound something.
Response to Bickle (Reply #2)
IronGate This message was self-deleted by its author.
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)For the most part they copied the US Constitution and added slavery.
Even then the stupid was a symptom.
(53,661 posts)Last edited Sat Jun 14, 2014, 03:34 PM - Edit history (1)
Getting right down to the pure essence of the gun movement
In replies 4 through 7 explain why I mentioned that in this OP. We have a fundamental difference in very basic beliefs. The CSA Constitution misses the point, utterly. And there's no way to white wash them, period.
(6,649 posts)but thank you so much for the link. The CSA philosophy is exactly the mindset of the current right-wing gun lobby and its apologists. The Tea Party militias are itching to create a scenario where "the South will rise again," if only in their feeble minds.
(53,661 posts)And it's no longer confined to the South, bill, and it never really was. The KKK had many member in many states of the what was the Union at the time of the Civil War.
People will have to come to grips with the utter depravity of not treating others equally as a tenet of the nation. Until then, things will get worse. Just sayin'
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)A lot of the population during Bush could tell you all about who won "American Idol" or "Survivor" but didn't know if Bush was a Republican or a Democrat. They only started paying attention when they woke up one morning and their worse nightmare had come true,...the country had been taken over by blacks,....and Jews (which they consider to be just as bad if not WORSE.)
These people really believe there is a race war coming and they WANT ONE. They would LOVE to have permission to shoot all non-whites ON SIGHT and they get PISSED if you tell them black people aren't itching to slaughter all white people.
(32,255 posts)the slave holding states so that they could keep the slaves in line.
Think about it. Think about the numbers of whites owning slaves
and the numbers of slaves. How else do you keep the slaves from
(53,661 posts)countries at that time. It was used regarding slaves, but also to protect the infant government of the USA, which afterward was twice invaded before instituting a standing army as we have now.
I do not ignore the slavery issue in regards to the 2A but that it says in order to preserve a 'free state' (not in the context that term meant before the Civil War, either) and was in regards to British actions. There were different levels of militias at that time.
In all cases, even in the unjust application of suppressing slaves who should have had their rights, the preservation of the government was at stake. As the nation evolved, particularly after WW2, with military bases and the MIC dominating the American landscape, a 'Johnny Reb' mentality no longer applied, and for those whom it still does, they are arguing against something they do not comprehend.
(32,255 posts)In the beginning, there were the militias. In the South, they were also called the "slave patrols," and they were regulated by the states.
And ends:
His first draft for what became the Second Amendment had said: "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed; a well armed, and well regulated militia being the best security of a free country [emphasis mine]: but no person religiously scrupulous of bearing arms, shall be compelled to render military service in person."
But Henry, Mason and others wanted southern states to preserve their slave-patrol militias independent of the federal government. So Madison changed the word "country" to the word "state," and redrafted the Second Amendment into today's form:
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State [emphasis mine], the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
For more on Thom Hartmann's source, see here:
(53,661 posts)profit, are not deep thinkers. They are brainwashed into thinking the Constitution means something it does not mean with the Amendments that followed the Tenth.
This leaves out the rights of slaves and women and many other things they have taken for granted, as well. We're not really arguing here, you and I.
The premise of the article in the OP and mine, is that the first part of the 2A does not encourage people to run about with military grade weaponry to take down the government, no matter what anyone thinks of its history, is like shooting oneself in the foot. They keep on like this and they will in the end meet their match, or if they infiltrate enough of government to overthrow it, we will be in an oligarchy with guns or weaponry only in the hands of the rich who can hire gunmen to take land, water rights, goods and even people as is done in facsist hell holes.
They are conditioning the American people to think this is the natural order of things. But it goes against priniciples most of us hold dear, even if not carried out to the extent they should be.
Rule by the gun is not freedom, liberty, democracy or even republican government but pure authoritarian rule where the many will keep their mouths shut about their rights for reasons of survival. They don't have any objection to this state of affairs if they profit.
Add to the daily physical level of fear, uncertainly and the kind of oppression this always creates, they are pushing for a theocracy to subjugate people even further than that.
(6,649 posts)the first half of the sentence doesn't mean what it plainly says. Through the magical gift of right-wing divine hindsight, the Founders minds have been "read" and they did not actually mean what they wrote. They used a code that only a right-wing slanted SCOTUS would be able to interpret over 200 years later, and then only with a magical decoder passed down over the years by the John Birch Society and its caretakers, the Koch family.
After being decoded, what the Second Amendment actually says is: "A well oiled right wing political machine being necessary to the profits of a privileged few, the right of the NRA to lie to the people and cause needless death and injury shall not be infringed."
Without the magic decoder, however, it is impossible for normal people to see beyond the obvious meaning of the Second Amendment.