15 of 206 posts on Greatest page refer to guns and gun violence.
Gun violence is becoming a mainstream topic when 7.5% of the greatest page is dedicated to it even with the Cantor/Brat upheaval.
Last time I counted there were more discrete posters here than at the other gun group.
It will take awhile to reverse the 40 years of NRA propaganda, but it's gonna happen.
(6,649 posts)especially American Liberals, are growing extremely tired of gun nuts, and the obscene proliferation of guns in our society. The right-wing gun lobby and its mouthpiece, the NRA, are losing political influence daily and you are exactly correct: the tide is turning, and sensible gun control will happen.
(11,417 posts)have a right to not have guns in our presence?
The gun nuts say they have a right to carry guns anywhere and some openly. But what rights do we have to public safety? Can a case be made that guns should be banned in public places and places of business unless the owners state otherwise? Recently we had two stories of guns being found in stores where a child could have picked them up.
This would not prohibit owning guns just where they can be carried. The SCOTUS said the second amendment was not absolute. I would be in favor of not banning guns if I did not have to come in contact with the gun nuts carrying loaded weapons near me. Yes I said gun nuts as in gun fetish.
flamin lib
(14,559 posts)open carry can and should be made illegal. In Texas without a concealed carry license hand guns can only be transported if unloaded and not accessible to the owner, ie locked in the trunk of the car. It would be simple to add long guns to the statute.
(25,477 posts)gun violence will remain mainstream.
flamin lib
(14,559 posts)I also believe the 2nd is here to stay. However, long term the trend is away from gun ownership in general. The number of households with guns is declining even as gun proliferation continues. People under 30 are far less likely to own guns or have an interest in them than older people. The number of gun dealers is also decreasing almost parallel to house holds.
As the interest in guns declines the lobby's influence will too. Won't happen in what's left in my lifetime but two generations out it looks very likely.
Like the tea party they will simply die off in time.
(19,288 posts)Of Capitalism gone mad. Making money trumps mankind and the right to life. The same way that Citizens United ruined elections and Corporations are people without a conscience with making money as the prime directive.
The state will execute a prisoner with an IQ of 70 but allow this Frankenstein Monster of Capitalism and Corporate - ism to run rampant in the MIC for the Arms Industry, randomly killing schoolkids and police officers. I don't get it.