Stupid gun dorks are idiots[center]
Nah, we're talking about those fetishists who think their guns make them macho rebel defenders of freedoms, WOLVERINES! Yeah, those assholes. The ones who have bought a record number of guns and ammo and extra-capacity magazines because a black guy was elected president. Those.
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Reality is that gun ownership is on the decline.
The gun ownership rate has fallen across a broad cross section of households since the early 1970s, according to data from the General Social Survey, a public opinion survey conducted every two years that asks a sample of American adults if they have guns at home, among other questions... The household gun ownership rate has fallen from an average of 50 percent in the 1970s to 49 percent in the 1980s, 43 percent in the 1990s and 35 percent in the 2000s, according to the survey data, analyzed by The New York Times.
In 2012, the share of American households with guns was 34 percent, according to survey results released on Thursday.
As mentioned elsewhere in the article: "Yes, Americans are wising up the idiocy of packing heat in this modern day and age. Just about a third of households have a gun now, and the trend is clear. Gun owners are shrinking themselves into a fringe. A well-armed fringe, sure, but still a fringe."
The demographics are changing, and no matter how much the right-wing Second Amendment absolutists, and the NRA apologists wish it weren't so, guns are no longer "cool." The gun control movement in this country is growing daily, and all the gun nut crowd can do is attack the messengers - not the message.
Support a gun control organization of your choice today in any way that you can, and help to rid this country of the scourge of gun violence brought about, and supported, by the right-wing gun lobby.
(65,568 posts)our U.S. Senate gives as many senators in gun loving states as in pro-gun control states. They clearly hang their hope on that...
(6,649 posts)owning guns, it would seem that there are fewer and fewer "gun loving" citizens in those states represented by politicians who are owned by the NRA.
I believe that the American people will voluntarily reduce the number of guns in this country long before the political process catches up with the gun violence epidemic. As it is, only the hard-core Second Amendment absolutists are the loudest (and most idiotic) voices clamoring against sane gun control legislation -- and they are a distinct minority of both gun owners, AND American citizens.
Even the NRA can't legislate the mandatory purchase of lethal weapons, and their bought-and-paid-for politicians will turn on them when the money stops flowing (like the "honorable" people they are).
(18,829 posts)They like strutting around and pretending they are a hero in a Rambo movie.
The problem is that the guns are real, of course, and if the decide to play macho man it could mean someone actually gets maimed or killed.
Sooner or later it is bound to happen if they continue to convince themselves that their pretend world is real.
(53,475 posts)... watched "Red Dawn" more than twice should lose their gun ownership privileges.