Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)BainsBane
(55,388 posts)I support unicorns and rainbows for everyone. Doesn't mean it is going to happen.
(628 posts)The second amendment has pretty much become a religion, there's no way it's going anywhere. Not in this century anyway.
stone space
(6,498 posts)Hoyt
(54,770 posts)ZombieHorde
(29,047 posts)Sinistrous
(4,249 posts)Paladin
(29,272 posts).....with the "well regulated militia" provision re-established, and Scalia's stupid 18th-century originalist influence done away with.
jimmy the one
(2,720 posts)stone space: I support the repeal of the Second Amendment.
I sorta know what you mean, but I'd rather have a future supreme court reverse the two recent rightwing supreme court decisions (heller 2008 & McDonald 2010) - which is more plausible than the implausible repeal of the obsolete & modern day twisted absurdity (because republican legislators thrive on twisted absurdities).
.. The 2ndA doesn't protect americans from diddly squat, it only protects nra profits & ability of gunnuts to own as many military style firearms & 'subdued' assault rifles as they want.
.. and you know, I could go out today & buy a gun if I wanted, just need pass the background check, but no 2ndA check is needed to own a gun in America, it's just part of the big con, the 2nd Amendment Mythology.
You could consider doing what I did a year or so back - renounce the 2nd amendment - give it up, spit it out, drop it in the ocean, flush it down the toilet, feed it to the vultures. Actress Sharon stone had similar views circa 1999:
1999: Actress Sharon Stone, post-Columbine, turned in her guns to the LAPD, announcing her wish to relinquish her Second Amendment rights in favor of peace of mind.
Brava, Sharon.